The U.S. energy economy is at a major turning point. The advent of the “Internet of Things” and cloud-based analytics have catapulted the way we deliver, use, and understand energy into the high-tech era. Innovative utilities are evolving to keep apace with markets, technologies, and long-term state and federal policy changes that support consumer choice, distributed generation, and ultra-high efficiency enabled by big data, analytics, and customized automation.

The National Association of State Energy Officials is thrilled to welcome you to San Diego for the 2015 NASEO Annual Meeting. We have planned dynamic sessions and keynotes designed to highlight how State Energy Offices are using Cloud computing to inform and advance their states’ clean energy priorities and open new economic opportunities through smart policy. The states’ and their private sector partners’ approaches are forever changing how we construct and use buildings, power systems, factories, and vehicles. Some major highlights from our conference agenda include: 

  • Visionary keynotes from Tom Siebel of C3 Energy; Mateo Jaramillo of Tesla; and Ben Bixby of Nest Labs; 
  • Dynamic discussions on EPA’s Clean Power Plan final rule and its implications for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and state policies and priorities; 
  • Insights on fuel constraints in light of changing demand and severe weather;
  • Inside looks into the evolution of states’ electric vehicles programs, cybersecurity efforts, and innovative financing; and
  • Insights on the interplay between high-performance buildings, the grid, Cloud computing, and energy efficiency standards, codes, and policies.

NASEO would especially like to thank the conference sponsors for their support and valuable input into the conference agenda and design. We are grateful to the Edison Electric Institute, our Platinum-level sponsor, and our Gold-level sponsors The Weidt Group and the Propane Education and Research Council, and encourage you to visit their exhibit booths and talk to their expert staff over the course of the meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!


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